Feeding Therapy


At Lee Maitz OT, we believe the journey to eating a variety of foods should be a joyful experience that involves all of the senses.

Our therapy sessions are designed to support children to explore and experiment with a variety of nutritious foods in a safe, play-based environment, providing many opportunities for positive food experiences.

Exploring food is not just about eating, it’s a journey of seeing, feeling, smelling and tasting.
— Kaya Lyons

When supporting children to explore new foods, we take into account the whole child, the environment and the demands of the task to ensure we provide a holistic, child-centred approach to feeding. Where possible, we facilitate the social aspects of meal time and often offer feeding therapy in the context of a group situation.

If your child is having difficulty tolerating a range foods or avoids trying new foods please get in touch for more information about our feeding therapy program.
